
Free resources on your path to healing a Motor Tic, Nervous Twitch, Vocal Tic or Tourettes. I've healed myself, you can too. 

How To Treat Tics and Twitches

Feb 16, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Medications only temporarily masked symptoms vs. resolving root cause   
  • True healing emerged through self-nurturing presence and understanding  
  • Relating to discomfort differently transformed its control on life

As someone who struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I know the misery and isolation this condition can cause. In desperation, I tried all the medications doctors prescribed to “treat” my tics. But the side effects were often as bad as the symptoms. Medicating myself into a stupor didn't equal healing.

True relief only came when I started “treating” my tics by taking better care of my mind and body. Nurturing myself with presence and understanding - not pills - finally eased my suffering.

Now when I feel the chaos of urges rising within, I treat myself to some quiet time in nature, rather than running from the discomfort. Being among the trees settles my nervous system. I also make sure I...

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I Tic But I Don't Feel Stressed

Feb 09, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Tics communicate unconscious discomfort needing compassionate attention  
  • By meeting them with care not resistance, their grip on life loosens  
  • Inner peace accessible by anchoring awareness in the present

As someone who has struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I know the chaos and distress they can cause, especially during times of high anxiety like this pandemic. But I'm learning not to get swept up in the storm of urges. By dropping into my body and cultivating calm within, I'm weathering the tics with much more ease these days.

I recently received an email from a fellow ticcer who was told by a neurologist that her facial tics stem from stress. Yet she insisted she doesn't feel stressed. I gently replied that while she may not be conscious of it, there is clearly discomfort in her system seeking release.

The tics are a message from deep within asking us to pay attention and care for ourselves more tenderly. But we often tune...

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Stop the Urge To Tic & Calm the Storm Tourettes

Feb 02, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Noticing "pre-tic" sensations and taking slow breaths interrupts escalation   
  • Anchors me in stillness before tic hijacks nervous system reactively 
  • Rewires brain to be less hair-trigger through simple mindful practice

As someone who has struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I'm all too familiar with the overwhelming urge that arises right before each spasm. It's like feeling a storm brewing inside that quickly erupts in lightning-fast twitches. A tense energy takes over that seems impossible to resist.

But I'm learning that finding presence and calm in the moments right before the tics hit is key to regaining control over my body. By tuning into that tense "pre-tic" state mindfully, rather than reacting on autopilot, I can often discharge the urge before it escalates.

The second I feel that stormy sensation start to brew in my shoulder, neck, or face, I take a long, deep belly breath. As I inhale for a count of 4, then exhale...

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Dissassociating Your Motor Tic or Tourette's with your identity

Jan 31, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Identity Reformation as a Healing Tool
  • Embracing Change and Brain’s Potential
  • Holistic and Self-Healing Approaches

Hi everyone, my name is Dazz. I used to go by Darren, but I recently changed my name as part of my journey to heal from a chronic motor tic I've had for over 20 years. Changing my name has been an important part of reimagining my identity and freeing myself from feeling trapped by my condition.

I know firsthand how powerless tics and Tourette's can make people feel. When your body is moving by itself against your will, it's easy to feel like something is deeply wrong with you. Over time, you start to associate your core identity with having a disorder, and it becomes difficult to envision life any other way.

But here's the thing - our brains are complex and we all have far more potential for change than we realize. One technique that has really helped me is simply changing my name. Introducing myself as Dazz instead of Darren has allowed me to...

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The Masterkey for Stopping Motor Tics Once & For All

Jan 24, 2024

 Key Takeaways:

  • The core philosophy of seeing tics as an illusion
  • The technique involves acknowledging and accepting the tic through focused observation and deep breathing
  • Mantras like "This is not my body" and "I am not my tic" reinforce the separation between the tic and oneself

I want to share with you the master key that has allowed me to finally heal and find freedom from my motor tics after over 20 years of daily struggles.

In essence, it comes down to truly seeing and realizing that the tics themselves are an illusion - they are not who you really are. When we bring full awareness, consciousness and love to observe the tics, their illusion dissolves away.

I discovered this key truth while in the depths of suffering from a bad flu. As I listened to spiritual teacher Ramana Maharshi, I had the profound realization that the constant jerking and movements are not reality - they are shadows and diversions keeping me from being fully present with myself.

The master key...

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Stop Your Body from Holding on - Tics & Tourette's

Jan 17, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Healing from motor tics is possible through holistic practices
  • Expression and release are key factors
  • Mindset plays a crucial role

Hey everyone, it's Dazz here. I wanted to share my story about how I was able to heal my motor tic disorder after struggling with it for over 20 years.

I used to have motor tics thousands of times a day - constant body jerking and twitching that was not only frustrating and embarrassing, but often painful as well. It felt like my body was holding on to so much trauma, negative experiences, and stuff from my past that I had tried to push down and suppress. The motor tics seemed like a manifestation of all that pent up tension.

Through years of learning meditation, visualization techniques, and shifting my thought patterns, I've been able to reach a place of stillness where my tics have completely stopped. It wasn't easy, but by regularly practicing letting go instead of holding on, I was able to melt away that excess energy and tension.


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Get To Know Your Triggers (Tourettes & Tics)

Jan 12, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Common tic triggers include fatigue, caffeine, screens, social situations  
  • Identifying subtler triggers helps anticipate and manage them proactively   
  • Rather than fighting discomfort, meeting triggers with curiosity defuses intensity 

As someone who has struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, people often ask me about “triggers” - the situations that seem to exacerbate my tics. For a long time, I was bewildered by this concept. My tics were so frequent and uncontrollable, I couldn’t imagine identifying specific triggers amidst the chaos.

But as I’ve cultivated more mindful awareness of my body’s patterns, some clear triggers have begun to emerge. While everyone’s triggers are unique, here are a few I’ve noticed in my own journey:

- Social situations - Being around certain friends or in crowded settings often increases my urge to tic. There is a social anxiety component at play.

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Why Do You Have a Motor Tic or Tourette's?

Jan 10, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Reframing Tics as Inner Cries for Attention
  • A Balancing Act of Empathy and Boundaries
  • Tics as a Gateway to Self-Discovery

As someone who lived with chronic motor tics down my right arm for over 20 years, I'm often asked - why did you develop Tourette's? In the beginning, I felt confused and victimized by my condition. I'd lash out thinking, why me? Why do I have to endure this body hijacking my will?

Over time, I've made peace by reframing my Tourette's as a call from my unconscious self for attention and care. Like a crying baby flailing its arms uncontrollably, my tics signified inner parts desperately seeking nurture and acknowledgement.

I now see this sensitivity as a gift, though it took work to embrace it. I had to stop exerting rigid control while also refusing victim status. Meeting my tics with empathy while establishing healthy boundaries around them shifted everything.

I discovered each tic eruption contains a valuable message. By meeting them with...

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Slowing Down To Stop Chronic Tics & Tourettes

Jan 05, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Impatience and frustration with constant tics fuels anxiety cycles  
  • Softening into self-compassion stills nervous system better than demands  
  • Peace unlocked more healing than aggressive striving for tic elimination  

As someone who struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I know how maddening it can feel when these disruptive urges won't go away. In my desperation for a quick fix, I often grew incredibly frustrated that my tics weren't instantly vanishing. But in my healing journey, I've learned that cultivating patience and slowing down has been utterly transformative.

When tics arise hundreds of times a day, it's natural to want immediate relief. But the more impatient I felt, the more my body reacted with anxiety and spasms. I was locked in a vicious cycle, demanding my nervous system relax while sending it frantic signals of stress. 

Over time, I came to accept that retraining lifelong habits requires gentleness and...

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Yash & Dazz - How We Stopped Tics & Tourette's

Jan 03, 2024

 Key Takeaways:

  • Connection and Compassion Break Isolation
  • Inner Work, not Quick Fixes, Leads to Lasting Change
  • Embrace the Leaks, Find Wholeness in Vulnerability

I recently had the honor of connecting with a kindred spirit named Yash who has travelled a similar path of healing his Tourette’s syndrome. As someone guiding others in transforming tic disorders holistically, it filled me with hope to meet a soulmate who understands firsthand that freedom is possible without medication or invasive procedures.

We opened our hearts to candidly share vulnerabilities around living with such misunderstood conditions from early ages. I described my own struggles with suppressing urges, leading to tics spreading painfully throughout my body over years. The simplicity of just being seen and heard by another who has faced this battle awakened profound compassion in me.

Yash recounted wasted years spiraling in repetitive thought loops of judgment and shame. My heart broke open...

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