How To Treat Tics and Twitches

Feb 16, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Medications only temporarily masked symptoms vs. resolving root cause   
  • True healing emerged through self-nurturing presence and understanding  
  • Relating to discomfort differently transformed its control on life

As someone who struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I know the misery and isolation this condition can cause. In desperation, I tried all the medications doctors prescribed to “treat” my tics. But the side effects were often as bad as the symptoms. Medicating myself into a stupor didn't equal healing.

True relief only came when I started “treating” my tics by taking better care of my mind and body. Nurturing myself with presence and understanding - not pills - finally eased my suffering.

Now when I feel the chaos of urges rising within, I treat myself to some quiet time in nature, rather than running from the discomfort. Being among the trees settles my nervous system. I also make sure I move my body mindfully each day through yoga.

I treat myself to alone time just listening inward, rather than constantly distracting with busyness. I understand now my tics were exacerbated by ignoring my feelings and needs for so long.

Through Boundaries and self-care, I’m learning to give my energy to others only after nourishing myself first. I used to constantly deplete by putting everyone else before me.

Have my tics completely ceased? Not yet – but relating to them with patience rather than frustration has changed everything. They no longer control my life as they once did.

By being my own best friend and meeting my own needs consistently, there’s finally room for healing. With compassion as the treatment, integration happens naturally. This continues to be a journey of coming home to myself.

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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