Dissassociating Your Motor Tic or Tourette's with your identity

Jan 31, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Identity Reformation as a Healing Tool
  • Embracing Change and Brain’s Potential
  • Holistic and Self-Healing Approaches

Hi everyone, my name is Dazz. I used to go by Darren, but I recently changed my name as part of my journey to heal from a chronic motor tic I've had for over 20 years. Changing my name has been an important part of reimagining my identity and freeing myself from feeling trapped by my condition.

I know firsthand how powerless tics and Tourette's can make people feel. When your body is moving by itself against your will, it's easy to feel like something is deeply wrong with you. Over time, you start to associate your core identity with having a disorder, and it becomes difficult to envision life any other way.

But here's the thing - our brains are complex and we all have far more potential for change than we realize. One technique that has really helped me is simply changing my name. Introducing myself as Dazz instead of Darren has allowed me to separate from my former anxious identity defined by uncontrollable tics. With this new name, I'm free to envision myself however I choose - calm, confident, physically healthy and relaxed.

Of course changing my name alone didn't cure my tics. I've also spent years practicing self-healing techniques, better understanding my mind and unconsciously wired habits, and getting to the root emotional traumas from childhood that I believe first triggered my motor tics. But changing my name reduced some of the power those old neurological ties had over me. It gave me permission to rewire my identity and step into a freer version of myself.

So if you struggle with debilitating tics or Tourette's, I invite you to choose a new nickname and start introducing yourself that way. Let it be the first step in building a new self-image, one overflowing with health and inner stillness. As you associate that name with freedom and vibrancy, you may find old patterns of tension start to unwind on their own.

There is hope - tics can get better, even disappear entirely. While doctors may act resigned or merely offer medication with side effects, I healed my 20 year motor tic through natural techniques. My next posts will share more on my holistic healing journey. I believe that with the right tools, Tourette's and chronic vocal/motor tics can be transformed from within. A peaceful, integrated life awaits...we just need to clear the path.

Wishing you much love on your own journey,

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

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