Yash & Dazz - How We Stopped Tics & Tourette's

Jan 03, 2024

 Key Takeaways:

  • Connection and Compassion Break Isolation
  • Inner Work, not Quick Fixes, Leads to Lasting Change
  • Embrace the Leaks, Find Wholeness in Vulnerability

I recently had the honor of connecting with a kindred spirit named Yash who has travelled a similar path of healing his Tourette’s syndrome. As someone guiding others in transforming tic disorders holistically, it filled me with hope to meet a soulmate who understands firsthand that freedom is possible without medication or invasive procedures.

We opened our hearts to candidly share vulnerabilities around living with such misunderstood conditions from early ages. I described my own struggles with suppressing urges, leading to tics spreading painfully throughout my body over years. The simplicity of just being seen and heard by another who has faced this battle awakened profound compassion in me.

Yash recounted wasted years spiraling in repetitive thought loops of judgment and shame. My heart broke open realizing how universal these destructive inner patterns prove among the Tourette’s community. I vowed to continue providing a space where we can air out the isolation and make peace with ourselves.

We explored powerful plant medicines which momentarily parted the veil so we could glimpse our luminous essence beneath the human madness. Yet true integration unfolds slowly through daily spiritual practices, not quick psychedelic fixes. We ultimately found anchor in embodied presence and listening to inner wisdom, not escaping through stimulation and distraction.

As someone who once felt totally possessed by tormenting nerves and twitches, I have been profoundly transformed through demystifying the links between outer ticks and inner worlds. My core practices of balancing vital energies through diet, grounding lifestyle habits, and retaining inner stillness continue to help me befriend each wave. I share from hard-won experience that radical self-trust lets grace in to wholeness.

Though the conditioned mind insists we must “fix” what it judges as broken, I have learned that leaks in our human shell actually reveal entry points for the medicine we came here to receive. Our symptoms whisper - “come home.”

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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