
Free resources on your path to healing a Motor Tic, Nervous Twitch, Vocal Tic or Tourettes. I've healed myself, you can too. 

Slowing Down To Stop Chronic Tics & Tourettes

Jan 05, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Impatience and frustration with constant tics fuels anxiety cycles  
  • Softening into self-compassion stills nervous system better than demands  
  • Peace unlocked more healing than aggressive striving for tic elimination  

As someone who struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I know how maddening it can feel when these disruptive urges won't go away. In my desperation for a quick fix, I often grew incredibly frustrated that my tics weren't instantly vanishing. But in my healing journey, I've learned that cultivating patience and slowing down has been utterly transformative.

When tics arise hundreds of times a day, it's natural to want immediate relief. But the more impatient I felt, the more my body reacted with anxiety and spasms. I was locked in a vicious cycle, demanding my nervous system relax while sending it frantic signals of stress. 

Over time, I came to accept that retraining lifelong habits requires gentleness and...

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Yash & Dazz - How We Stopped Tics & Tourette's

Jan 03, 2024

 Key Takeaways:

  • Connection and Compassion Break Isolation
  • Inner Work, not Quick Fixes, Leads to Lasting Change
  • Embrace the Leaks, Find Wholeness in Vulnerability

I recently had the honor of connecting with a kindred spirit named Yash who has travelled a similar path of healing his Tourette’s syndrome. As someone guiding others in transforming tic disorders holistically, it filled me with hope to meet a soulmate who understands firsthand that freedom is possible without medication or invasive procedures.

We opened our hearts to candidly share vulnerabilities around living with such misunderstood conditions from early ages. I described my own struggles with suppressing urges, leading to tics spreading painfully throughout my body over years. The simplicity of just being seen and heard by another who has faced this battle awakened profound compassion in me.

Yash recounted wasted years spiraling in repetitive thought loops of judgment and shame. My heart broke open...

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How To Stop Doing Tics (and Nervous Twitches)

Dec 29, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Attempts to forcibly suppress tics backfire by creating inner civil war
  • Establishing kind awareness of discomfort reduces its control 
  • Outer storms ease as I cultivate stillness, integration within 

As someone who has struggled with constant, disruptive motor tics for over 20 years, I know how tempting it is to detach from these unwanted urges and view them as something alien, happening against my will. The flailing doesn't feel like me - I must be "possessed" by this affliction called Tourette's. 

But a comment on my YouTube channel recently gave me pause. A fellow ticcer gently challenged my insistence that these tics are not me. He reflected how when we lack bodily awareness, it's understandable to feel that disconnect. But with patience and compassion towards ourselves, we can come to recognize the tics as simply another expression of our being.

This perspective resonated with me deeply. Early on, the notion of claiming ownership of something so...

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Improve Focus to Stop Ticcing (and heal Tourette's)

Dec 27, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • External distractions fragment your focus and worsen tics
  • True focus lies in turning inward, not just concentrating outwardly
  • Inner focus leads to self-awareness and empowers you to manage tics

As someone who has journeyed for over 20 years with Tourette’s syndrome, I’ve learned firsthand how cultivating inner focus transforms our health - physical, mental, and beyond. Like many young people today, I grew up in an age of endless digital stimulation - TV, computers, video games. My mind was constantly racing, thinking of the next thing to check or do. I could hyper-focus on screens for hours yet had no clue how to calm my own inner world.

Only through discovering mindfulness and meditation did I start to comprehend that our focus shapes our reality. When we narrowly laser in on external distraction, we energize the “monkey mind,” leaving no space for inner stillness. Getting sucked into the latest binge-worthy series may seem like good focus,...

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Nose Tic, Social Anxiety & Shame, Tourettes

Dec 01, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Judgment from others increased self-blame and perfectionism
  • Pushing down nose tic just spread it; fighting made issue worse
  • Self-acceptance regardless of others' opinions brought freedom

I was just entering my teens when the nose tic first appeared. Out of nowhere, my nose would violently twitch upwards hundreds of times a day. At first, it didn't bother me much. But when classmates started pointing it out, I became deeply self-conscious. Their judgment and shame quickly became my own. 

I desperately tried hiding the embarrassing tic, using every ounce of willpower to resist those urges. But the more I fought it, the more the urge would build until my nose erupted like a sneeze I couldn't hold back. What was once an unconscious impulse now felt like a personal failing because of how others reacted to it.

The nose tic eventually spread to other parts of my body. I now realize I had been unintentionally driving it inward by resisting those urges so forcefully. My...

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Stop Tics For Adults Reprogramming Unconciousness Touretteā€™s, Vocal Tics, Motor Tics Follow-Along

Nov 24, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Visualization reveals tics as exiled parts of self needing acceptance
  • Listening to tics with compassion rather than resisting transforms them
  • Self-compassion meditation can gradually reduce tic intensity

As someone who has struggled with debilitating motor tics for decades, I've tried just about every conventional treatment out there to no avail. Medications masked the symptoms but brought brutal side effects. Therapy helped me manage my feelings about the tics, but didn't stop them. I felt utterly powerless against the urges overtaking my body hundreds of times a day.

In desperation, I recently started experimenting with guided visualization and meditation specifically focused on connecting with the tics at their source. What I discovered astonished me.

Sitting still and tuning into my breath, I began asking inward questions like: "If this tic had a shape, what would it be?" "What color is it?" "If it had a voice, what would it say?" I let the answers flow...

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Highly Sensitive Children (HSC) & Motor Tics

Dec 31, 2022

As someone who lived with Tics for 20 years, I can relate to being (and still am) a very sensitive person.

I didn't understand what 'sensitivity' was as a child though, nor were there diagnoses available for such things in my childhood. 

Highly sensitive children are those who are more sensitive to their environment and the people around them. They may be more easily overwhelmed by stimuli and may have a deeper emotional response to events and experiences. Here are some common characteristics of highly sensitive children:

  1. Highly sensitive to sensory stimuli: Highly sensitive children may be more sensitive to bright lights, loud noises, or certain textures and tastes. They may also be more sensitive to the emotions and moods of others.

  2. Emotionally reactive: Highly sensitive children may have a strong emotional response to events and experiences. They may be more prone to crying, anger, or fear in response to stimuli that may not affect other children as strongly.

  3. ...

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[Reserve Your Spot] Free Online Training for Stopping Tics & Tourettes

Jan 09, 2020

I had these tics for over 20 years, and it took me 5 years or so to become 99% healed.

I don't expect it to take YOU that long to let go of the condition, especially if you haven't been ticcing for as long as I have... AND because you have a coach & mentor to help you succeed... (me!)

I started Motor Tic Mastery just over a year ago, and over the last year, I've created a system of healing to Stop Tics & Tourettes (it's called the MTM Method) that uses modern mental and emotional healing methodologies grounded in psychology and eastern medicine. 

So- are you ready to stop the tic? slow down the tic? reduce the number of times that you tic? how about calm the tic or get rid of it FOREVER?!

I've created this short training for you to understand the inner workings of your psyche so that you can better get to grip with WHY you're ticcing and how it erupts in your body.  

It'll give you a fresh perspective on this very intimate condition, and help you...

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