Free resources on your path to healing a Motor Tic, Nervous Twitch, Vocal Tic or Tourettes. I've healed myself, you can too.
Key Takeaways:
As someone who has struggled with constant, embarrassing motor tics for over 20 years, the idea of videotaping my tics and watching them back fills me with dread. Like many dealing with Tourette's, I tend to avoid facing just how uncontrollable and pervasive my tics are on a daily basis. Out of sight, out of mind has been my coping mechanism.
But recently, I've realized that hiding from my tics has only increased my shame and isolation over the years. The more I pretend they aren't there, the more power and mystery they hold over me. I've decided it's finally time to turn towards this longtime foe with self-compassion as my tool.
So I set up my phone's camera, took a few deep breaths to calm my anxiety, and hit record. Watching back the...
Key Takeaways:
As someone who struggled with constant full-body motor tics for over 20 years, I know firsthand how much pent-up trauma gets locked in the muscles and fascia where the spasms occur thousands of times daily. The areas around my tics have been knotted up for so long, they feel like concrete.
I’ve found regularly massaging and pressing into these tense spots helps break up that accumulated tension in a way nothing else can. It’s painful yet profoundly healing - like wringing toxicity out of my own body.
I recently had a massage where the therapist skillfully found each knotted muscle group associated with my various tics. Using fingers and elbows, he patiently worked out the layers of tightness with the perfect amount of pressure. I visualized t...
Key Takeaways:
As someone who struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I tried every modern conventional treatment available to no avail. No pill or medical procedure could provide lasting relief from the thousands of daily spasms erupting through my body.
In desperation, I started exploring more holistic healing modalities from ancient traditions like yoga, meditation, and Qi Gong. And they have helped me achieve what medicine could not.
By dedicating time each day to simple breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and movement rituals passed down for generations, I've learned to come home to my body and find an inner stillness that eluded me for so long.
When I take a moment to tune into my breath, rather than habitually reacting to s...
Key Takeaways:
As someone who has struggled with constant shoulder and arm tics for over 20 years, I know all too well the sense of inner agitation that drives these involuntary urges. It often feels like there is a part deep inside that is never fully settled in my body – a part always needing to jerk, flap, and spasm without my consent.
In my healing journey, I’ve found meditation focused specifically on the areas where I tic can help immensely. By guiding my awareness into the tics’ origin points with compassion, true relaxation emerges.
Recently, I led myself through a simple 15-minute grounding exercise for my shoulder tic. Sitting quietly with eyes closed, I first directed my full attention to the source of the spasms. Exploring the front, back, and sides of my ...
Key Takeaways:
As someone who struggled with constant motor tics for over 20 years, I know the misery and isolation this condition can cause. In desperation, I tried all the medications doctors prescribed to “treat” my tics. But the side effects were often as bad as the symptoms. Medicating myself into a stupor didn't equal healing.
True relief only came when I started “treating” my tics by taking better care of my mind and body. Nurturing myself with presence and understanding - not pills - finally eased my suffering.
Now when I feel the chaos of urges rising within, I treat myself to some quiet time in nature, rather than running from the discomfort. Being among the trees settles my nervous system. I also make sure I move my body mindfully each day through yoga.