Relaxation Tics Meditation (Shoulder Tic, Arm Tic, & Neck Tic)

Feb 23, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Bringing kind awareness to epicenter of tics releases accumulated tension
  • Anchoring in body sensations of stability ripples calm upwards   
  • Discovering stillness living within the chaos brings unexpected relief

As someone who has struggled with constant shoulder and arm tics for over 20 years, I know all too well the sense of inner agitation that drives these involuntary urges. It often feels like there is a part deep inside that is never fully settled in my body – a part always needing to jerk, flap, and spasm without my consent.

In my healing journey, I’ve found meditation focused specifically on the areas where I tic can help immensely. By guiding my awareness into the tics’ origin points with compassion, true relaxation emerges.

Recently, I led myself through a simple 15-minute grounding exercise for my shoulder tic. Sitting quietly with eyes closed, I first directed my full attention to the source of the spasms. Exploring the front, back, and sides of my shoulder area mindfully, I held it with the same gentle gaze a mother gives her child.

As thoughts arose, I continuously returned focus to the sensations in my upper body. I visualized enlarging my awareness around the tic’s epicenter, like a glowing ball of light melting tension.

After several minutes, I shifted my attention down towards the base of my spine, feeling gravity root me firmly to the floor. Allowing this sense of stability to ripple upwards, my agitated shoulder began releasing further down my arm.

By the end, I noticed a lightness in areas typically knotted with discomfort. While the tics aren’t gone completely, meeting them with meditative awareness rather than frustration offers relief.

This simple exercise reminds me that stillness lives within even my most chaotic places, if I’m willing to look with gentleness. My tics become an invitation to rediscover inner peace. With compassion as the guide, healing unfolds naturally.

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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