Free resources on your path to healing a Motor Tic, Nervous Twitch, Vocal Tic or Tourettes. I've healed myself, you can too.
"Science now tells us that literally when you have a negative experience [in life].. a negative emotional experience.. certain neurochemicals are created in your body and your stress increases... and your body has an option... it can choose to process the stress and clean it out... or if you don't have the opportunity of doing this... because your nervous system isn't in a state to allow it to let go of the stress it has now experienced... it stores it inside the body.. specifically in the fascia tissue of your body... this is the tissue that surrounds your organs.. the tissue that connects everything.. and the stress and trauma are literally stored and tightened and crystalized in here... like little memory structures are hardened around your body... your body is tightened up.. and this is one of the reasons why yoga is so good for untightening this stuff.
And so the trauma is literally stored in pockets all over your body...and it's literally stored all over the body depending on t...
I went from ticcing thousands and thousands of times a day for 20 years to 99.99% healed in less than a couple of years.
I experimented with over 50 healing modalities during this period (some did, others didn't work) - but I now offer a unique suite of techniques (backed by science) that help you (or your child) Stop a Chronic Motor Tic, Vocal Tic, or Tourettes at whatever stage of severity or frequency.
I tried all the things, so you don't have to.
My mission now is to give you and your family the tools to heal.
At MTM we have programs for adults living with tics or tourettes, and programs for parents to co-pilot their child out of tics or tourettes.
A tic is a very personal experience, and yet it has an impact on the world around us. Whether it's the sounds that disrupt a classroom, or movements that draw unwanted attention from others.
A tic is connected deeply to our mindful and emotional nature of life, and it is our body that physically reacts to something uncomfortable ...
I didn't choose to take pharmaceutical drugs to stop my tics.
Instead, I learned how to take back control of my mind and body, naturally and holistically.
I'm now healed.
What drives me to to the point if despair, however, is how the doctors (at the very least, the ones I came across) just didn't have a clue about how to help.
The choice is either pump yourself full of drugs and numb yourself to the world, or "wait and see."
I gave up looking for help from them and decided to do everything in my power to stop my tics. They caused too much suffering and awkwardness and pain and embarrassment for too many years! Maybe you can resonate?
The doctors offer a range of seemingly different style of drugs for Motor Tics because there isn't actually one that works... they pick and choose from a range of medications that block or reduce dopamine (neuroleptics), or prescribe ADHD medications or antidepressants (among others.)
What I can't believe for the life of me though is why they'd cho...
Presence is POWERFUL.
In this video, I share with you how to determine a level of fidelity for your reality.
Higher fidelity equals a higher likelihood you can stop your Motor Tic or Tourettes.
By becoming more present, you learn to be aware of the unconscious aspects of your Tic Disorder and stop the flare-ups.
Tic Syndrome affects 1 in 100 people. And although only a small fraction of these people find the Motor Tic causing issues with their everyday life, it painfully affects millions of people silently.
The condition is ridiculed and shamed. There are no easy fixes. The Dr's don't offer a simple fix.
However, it IS possible to heal yourself through the cultivating of presence and awareness based in ancient practices such as Yoga, Meditation and Chanting.
I used to Tic thousands of times a day. I'm now 95% healed because of these practices.
Learning to be more PRESENT in your life ensures you are on auto-pilot less, and thus your automatic response to your environment...
It's fricking embarrassing!
But I never really told anyone.
Who could I tell? I didn't feel comfortable telling my parent's about it - like really opening up my emotions and telling them. That's weird. I'm a dude. How do I talk to my parents about EMOTIONS? That scared the bejizzles out of me.
Over a 10 year period, I did have brief chats with a Dr here and there, but I never wanted to take the drugs. Pumping myself with chemical crap to numb me to the world? Hell no!
I wanted to figure this out on my own. I'm independent. I'm a problem solver. I gotta figure this out like a level in a computer game.
So, my body used to tic, move, twitch in all sorts of annoyingly wonderful ways, and to be honest, the Tic itself wasn't the biggest issue... I mean.. I neurotically enjoyed the weird movements my body would do.. it kinda felt good... like a build up and a release of muscles gave me a pump of adrenaline...
...the real PAIN came from other people seeing me... and in my eyes, I looked...