Online Programs for Kids/Teens who Tic (and their Parents)

MTM Family Method (ages 8-21)

The first at home, non-invasive, natural healing program to manage, calm and stop Tics or Tourettes for kids aged 8-21. Co-pilot your child out of ticcing in a safe and compassionate way before they take it into adulthood. 

MTM Family Method

FREE Masterclass: Co-Pilot Your Child to a Tic Free Life

If you're concerned about your child's health, this is the best place to start. Discover proven ways to support your child with tics so they can realise their potential.

Sign-up to Webinar

Book a Consultation Call

Available for parents who have watched the 1hr webinar. If you still have questions before joining the MTM Family Method, you're invited to book a free 20-minute consultation.


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Two Step

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