Even if you feel you’ve tried everything and are beginning to lose hope, the MTM Family Method is a proven 10-week course for parents of kids who tic, created by someone who overcame theirs.
Learn the root cause of their tic and co-learn mind & body mastery to unlock a tic free life.
Without having to spend thousands on doctors with uncertain results, the MTM Family Method is a counterintuitive approach to reduce or even completely stop your child’s tics or Tourette's condition.
A ticcing body CAN be stopped, and I'll show you how.
By mastering the MTM Family Method, you will learn techniques that; in 90 days or less, will take them from stigma to superpower.
Their tic can become their superpower - leading them to super confidence.
As they learn to master their tic (and the emotions that come with it) you’ll give them the tools they need to succeed in life.
This programme is about more than just being tic-free… it’s a fun and life-changing system that will:
- Demystify their tics
- Put them in touch with their body
- Set them up for future success
- Strengthen your relationship with them
Additionally, it will:
01| Help them to fit in.
02| Prevent teasing.
03| Encourage them to build resilience.
04| Give them the tools to succeed in life.
If you do the practices in MTM Family Method regularly, they will work.

“My son (14) has transformed because of his work with Darren. After his first cycle of sessions he no longer tics like he did before, instead he pauses, breathes, and works to be present in his body. It’s remarkable to see the change in him. He has learned to relax his body. I’ll be forever grateful.”

“His Tic’s have been largely controlled — almost have no head shaking, no arm twisting, but still light vocal Tic from breathing. We are very happy with the result. Thank you very much for your videos. I encourage you to continue sharing your experience with thousands of more patients who like me will appreciate what you offer”

"The most significant improvement came from doing the release and breathing. He does it each time he notices a tic but in a more subtle way... No more tics!! It feels like a miracle. Thank you…. Our little boy is no longer crying from the pain in his neck from his tic. Thank you so much.”
10 powerful tic-beating weeks!
- 10+ core course video modules for kids and parents
- Weekly follow-along practice sessions
- Exercise tracking docs to print out
- Bespoke sessions on vocal tics
- Bonus downloadable embodiment meditations
- Invite to parents-only community
- 10+ lessons for just parents
- iOS & Android app coming this spring 2025
Limited spaces, reserve yours now!
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" Hi Dazz, I just truly wanted to thank you. My 7 year old son developed an anxiety tic. Once I put your methods into practise... his tic has completely gone. "

" I could see her body relax in seconds before my eyes, it was like a miracle taking place after witnessing all her suffering for the past 12 months. "

Jonathan K.
" My experience is that therapists don't really understand Tics - that's what makes this group different. Dazz gets it! "
This course is for Parents of Kids with a Motor Tic, Vocal Tic, Nervous Twitch or Tourettes.
If your kids live with sniffing, eye blinking, head shaking, coughing, forehead twitching, shugging, neck jerking, grimacing, hand or arm twitches and other movements or noises; this course is for you.
You don’t have to worry about them any longer…the MTM Family Method is proven with the voices of parents just like you.

“ This is probably the most generous & heartfelt, sensible ‘course’ I have ever seen! It is so clearly from heart & soul & I love it!! It is helpful for everyone! So grateful for what you’ve done here. ”
The MTM Family Method contains ten core modules that are light-hearted, fun and simple to follow along.
1) An Introduction to Tics and the MTM Family Method
In this introductory module we offer some reframing as to ‘what a tic is’ to reduce the worry and panic often found in parents (and thus your kids). We also introduce the different ‘bodies’ (mental, physical, emotional) so that we begin to create a new language that we’ll use throughout the program. This begins our reorientation of our child back to their body because kids who tic are usually somewhat disembodied (mind) and overwhelmed with the sensations and feelings in their body. The practises in this module begin our journey of relaxation and connection.
2) Regulating the Nervous System by Learning the Language of the Body
By learning the language of our body we can regulate our nervous system. We do this so that parents and kids alike can start noticing which direction they are moving towards in day to day life (i.e. opening/relaxation, or stress/closing.) This module closes with a variety of short, fun and applicable practises that will be used at home to encourage the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system in as many moments as possible this week.
3) Essential Breathwork (for a safer connection to their body)
In this module you and your child will learn - thru practise - how to notice and experience different ways of breathing. We’re doing this to build up an awareness of our body; it’s anatomy, and to get comfortable with new sensations in guided gentle presence. Our breath is our anchor to the body, and in a world so easily distracted, we must learn where the breath is in order for your child to find safety in connection to their body. This week's practise focuses on building a ‘map’ of the body through a body scan, whilst inviting the sensations of opening, releasing, letting go etc. Other exercises focus on sensory awareness.
4) Integration of Primitive Movements for Balancing the Brain
Fundamental to this program is the integration and stimulation of the oldest part of our brain - we do this through movement. In the intersection of brain, brain stem, and nervous system we find primitive movements 'saved' for basic mammalian safety. Past down generations, these movements - if they're not integrated into the higher order and evolved areas of the brain - can cause an energetic block, or 'stuck' energy channels. By reenacting these movements regularly we strength the foundations of the brain. All higher order functions of movement are then improved. It's like we're playing Jenga backwards.
5) Diet, Food Sensitivities, Supplements and Screen-time
Diet can play a critical role in the recovery of the condition. We want to reduce the stress caused inside your child's system in all ways possible incl. food, toxins, and any intolerances they might be living with. This module includes practical advice to address concerns and common questions in the realm of food, diet, supplements, screen-time and more etc.
6) Movement Mastery for Tics
A ticcing body will concentrate a high density of the metal element, mind. This is especially true for kids and teens that game. To balance the physical symptoms, we must learn to move in a balanced way - in union with all the elements. In this module we invite you and your child to move and to make sounds with the different elements, water-feeling-emotion, firey-anger, airy-fairy-light-silliness, grounded-earthy-rumbles and more. This creates a playful acceptance of the body and offers new wiring to create space for the tight and stuck ticcing movements. By doing this together you learn to give them full permission to feel and express what exists in their body without any subtle judgements that you have about your self! If your child watches you be silly, then their body will feel more free. This is all about team-work, and being playful together.
7) Grounding (and embodiment) for Tics
Our western culture promotes and celebrates the mind, but forgets our connection to the 'earthly' body. A ticcing body is crying out for our attention. By grounding we are energetically pulling our attention back down and out of the mind and into the body. This supports - scientifically - a host of benefits incl. stress reduction, a boosted immune system, enhanced mode, better sleep, reduced inflammation to name a few. In this module I guide you how to do it correctly, so that your child's body can feel safe again.
8) Emotional Awareness for the urges (and more)
Behind every ticcing movement there is an emotion (or an energy wanting to express itself). In this module we learn the fundamentals of emotional awareness; how to feel, notice, sense, and talk about what’s going on. We do this without the need to ‘fix’ anything about the emotions other than to create space to feel them so that they can move… and ultimately dissolve away. The videos also bring acceptance of feelings because many kids (and parents alike) have learned that it is inappropriate to feel certain emotions, so we unconsciously end up suppressing them. Suppression leads to dis-ease. A Ticcing body is sometimes like a shaken-up and tightly held bottle ready to burst! So much energy - but it doesn't know where to go!
9) Loving and Kind Touch (Boundaries, Sovereignty and Autonomy)
As a sensitive child the world can be overwhelming, to the point where their body is so scared that it moves by itself. Most people with tics wouldn't admit that, but if their body is safe it would not be moving by itself. Safety can be found in creating space away from others, or in co-regulation with others. In this module we teach our children how to say no to touch, and how to ask for touch. This is an empowering and slow guided practise for kids and parents of all ages that promotes a healthy, regulated, safe and secure nervous system.
10) Calming of the Mind for all Ages
Our final module focuses on the benefits and practise of mindfulness in every day life. These brain-based scentific-backed practices are for further supporting the reduction of anxiety and stress for everyone, especially parents! Because remember, your child isn't going to heal in silo. They need your help. Not just thru your words and guidance, but by living in a healthier and more regulated manner.
*Plus* Access to an exclusive bonus module specific to Vocal Tics.

" I have been a student of your course since last July, and since then both my motor and vocal tics has vastly subsided. I really cannot thank you enough for how much you have helped me improve my life! "

Mark P.
" In all my years of seeking answers for a better understanding of Tics, your MTM program has been the most helpful. "
Making progress in managing their tics.
Arming them with tools for the future.
Putting them in control of their body.
Looking forward to this healing process.
The barrage of assessments and medicines.
Lashing out at them or their tics.
Ignoring it and hoping they’ll grow out of it.
Worrying about their future.
Book A FREE Consultation Call