TIC LESS - FEEL Safe With This Technique

Dec 22, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Daily visualization of protective bubble reprograms neural pathways 
  • Imagining safest sensations primes nervous system for real situations
  • Even when overwhelmed, this inner sanctuary is always available 

As someone who's struggled with debilitating motor tics for over 20 years, I know firsthand how anxiety and lack of safety can exacerbate these disruptive urges. The more unsafe I've felt around others, the more my body has twitched and flailed uncontrollably. 

In my healing journey, I've learned the incredible power of visualization for reprogramming my deeply ingrained habits of fear and social awkwardness. By taking just a few minutes each morning to imagine a "safe bubble" around me, I've been able to dramatically reduce anxiety and ticcing.

Here's how this simple yet profound visualization practice works:

I find a quiet space to sit undisturbed, and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths to calm my mind and body. Then I envision an invisible protective bubble forming around me - a sphere of soft, glowing light. 

Inside this bubble, I'm completely safe and at peace. No judgment or negativity from others can penetrate. I imagine the safest, most serene place I've ever experienced, like the embrace of my mother's womb. The outside world melts away.

While visualizing my safe bubble, I consciously release any built-up social anxiety. Others' opinions don't affect me here. I radiate self-acceptance and unconditional love from my heart. This is my sanctuary.

I "prime" my nervous system with this visualization daily. When I later encounter anxiety-provoking social situations, I recall the feeling of safety within my bubble. Rather than reacting with panic, I respond with mindfulness. The urge to tic fades.

Have my tics permanently vanished? No - healing is a lifelong journey. But visualization has allowed me to retrain my brain to cultivate calmer, more confident neural pathways amidst the chaos. 

The protective bubble is always available, even when real life feels overwhelming. A few minutes of imagined safety makes the storms of Tourette’s much easier to weather. I highly encourage giving this simple practice a try!

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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