A Tourette's Program That Works

Jan 19, 2020

I was recently asked if this program for Tics and Tourettes *really* does work?

This is the email I received,

"My burning question is that as you may well be aware and if you are or was a genuine sufferer of Tourette’s then does your program really work? If so how can you prove this to me without it costing me $97 under your special offer, I have spent my whole life searching and looking for answers, having treatments and talking to specialists, nothing and I mean nothing works and I refuse to take the dopermine drug, one of many types of tic controllers that put my well being at risk, so what is it that you do that works and if it is as successful as you claim why are you not running your program through private clinics or even the NHS. Please answer as honestly as possible."


I really appreciated the honesty of this email and so I replied candidly, with as much openness as I could:


"Thanks for your honest email, and I hope to do the same here.
I had a Chronic Complex Motor Tic. Some Dr's consider this Tourettes, some don't. It depends on where in the world you are. But ultimately, I was ticcing thousands of times a day down the right side of my body for 20 years, and it's now gone. I've done something right and I'm learning how to communicate to others how I went about my process of healing it. I only started teaching this approach 6 months ago, so it's fairly new (and why private clinics or NHS aren't in my sight.)
The western and eastern healing methodologies are very different. In the west, people expect 'cures' - essentially a pill to get rid of the symptoms. There is no cure for tics or Tourettes. Categorically, no. Doesn't exist. Stop looking for a magical cure. I gave up on western medicine because there is no such thing and I wasn't getting anywhere!
So what did I do? I looked for an alternative approach to healing the human mind and body. In the east they see all the parts of the human-being (mind/body/soul) as interconnected. For example, one small imbalance in a particular meridian left unattended for years, causes physical issues down the line. This is ancient wisdom passed down from thousands of years ago. Far longer than our current 'medical system' has been around... and so I learned these 'natural' practices of looking after our mind and body in unison.
There are certain techniques that stuck with me, and I kept coming back to them over the last 5 years, and these are the ones I teach. I'm not going to pretend I know everything, or that I'm a Dr, or that it'll 100% magically work or anything like that. I'm just some dude that healed his condition and wanted to help others like him whilst creating an online business, so I could be free from a desk job in a big stressful city!
I understand that you're sceptical. I would be in your position. I gave up again and again but something kept me going and here I am. 
So, do you want to believe you can stop this and heal yourself? It's totally up to you. Your choice. 
Maybe all I am is some guy who can finally make you believe you can stop the tic yourself without looking outside for answers? If so, I'm happy with that. 
Have you watched the free training I made? if not, this is the best place to start. Link is here: https://www.motorticmastery.com/pl/125298
I'm also offering a bunch of free 1 on 1 sessions with me over the coming days, and you can check these slots out here: https://www.motorticmastery.com/coaching
Hope I can be of service,


What do you think? Honest enough? Have I missed something? The feedback and emails I get from my students make my heart warm and I'm privileged to be in a position to support others who are healing themselves. 

Yet, I also understand how it takes a leap of faith to say yes to this! And believe in something 'online' that can potentially help you re-imagine your relationship to the tic, and thus learn how to reduce its nature and influence upon your system. 

If you haven't yet checked out the free training - click on that link in the email above. 

Wish you the best,

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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