Learning the Art of Embodiment for Motor & Vocal Tics

Jun 20, 2019

I was so frustrated with my Motor Tic that I had unconsciously distanced myself from it. 

I used to think of the Motor Tic has something other than myself. It was something OUTSIDE of me to fix by putting a lid on it, or holding it in with some glue.

I was angry at it. Pissed off at it. 

But I've learned this is FAR the wrong approach. 

It wasn't until I started to fully embody the part of myself that was uncomfortable - the tic itself - that I started to actually quell the tic! 

This concept of mind is central to my teachings - we have to reconfigure our perspective on the Motor Tic and see it as part of ourselves. 

In other words, fully embody who we are. 

Embodiment is the art or act of being IN THE BODY.

For many of us, being in the body is pretty alien. 

We spend much of our time running in circles in our mind with a non-stop stream of ideas, thoughts, judgements, actions to do, and things to worry about... you get the idea. 

But when we get IN THE BODY, our mind can quiet down and we start to FEEL more. 

This is a beautiful thing - feelings. YES, feelings are a beautiful thing! 

I mean, this might not make sense right now if the majority of your feelings are spent being angry at your tic, why would you want to feel more?! (That's why we may use alcohol to escape the feelings.)

But there is the paradox. When we actually allow ourselves to feel our body, then the non-stop monkey mind quietens down... we become in touch with the subtle parts of our self and our body begins to calm down... the tic subsides!

And THAT is a wonderful thing! 

So how do we become more embodied?!

The ideas are endless, but here are a few to get you started:

BREATHE deeper. 

Yes, focusing on your breath and breathing deeper can actually bring you into your body. Just the act of focusing on your body... and your breath is inside your body... you're becoming embodied. I like to focus on the rise and fall of my chest... I do this many times a day... I take a few moments just to bring my attention to my chest or my stomach and I simply watch how my body moves. This is the embodiment. 


So simple and obvious but it's a subject that's become so taboo in our society! More touch = more embodiment. By feeling our own hand massaging our body, or our partner's or even a family member giving us a shoulder massage, we are allowing ourselves to get out of our mind and into our head. Even a cuddle helps become more embodied. That melty feeling. 

Listen to your Body.

Similar to learning to listen to a teacher in class, which was DIFFICULT if you remember back?! There were so many other distractions in the class how could I put all my attention towards that teacher during my earlier years of school?! Anyway, similar to listening OUTWARDS... we MUST learn to listen inwards. Listening inwards gives the body an opportunity to talk to you. And those of us who have a Tic likely has a body CRYING OUT for attention. Literally, you've been ignoring your body so much that it's having to jump and shout and move and twitch in order for you to see it!! So listen to your body. It has intelligence far deeper than you know. Notice the subtle changes in your stomach.. notice when your body is tightening.. notice in what situations you Tic more.. and starting becoming more present with this incredible body that you have the opportunity of living in!! 


I hope that you're getting a glimpse into my Tic Free world... and that you're picking up ideas to help you stop your Tic, too. 

Much Love,


"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

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