For many of us who Tic, it starts in the neck.
There is a specific spot at the back of the neck where tightness begins - at the top of the spine.
The sensations that run up the spine get 'stuck' at this point, and this causes discomfort.
If we don't deal with the feelings and sensations we may form - over time - a ticcing habit.
I say 'habit' because yes it really IS a habit. Most people don't want to hear this.
Tics are quite simply the control mechasim the body uses as an alternative expression to feeling what needs to felt.
When we get out of the contolling mind and into the body, we learn to move the unexpressed emotions and energies that are creating the tic in the first place.
At Motor Tic Mastery we use a varity of tools to support the process of releasing Tics, specifically Neck Twitching. These include but are not limited to:
1) Breathwork - by reconfiguring the way in which we breath, we can break free from old habits that have formed in our body. Breath is the literaly expression of life, and if you don't breath well, your body is not running at full capacity. With focused attention on specific breathing techniques we can reshape the way in which oxygen moves into your body.. the way in which energy moves thru the channels.. and it gets you closer to your body. Too often, those of us who tic are SO lost 'in our head'.
2) Embodiment - the process of tuning back into the body. In a society lost in the mind, we've forgotten what present, aware connection to the senses of our body can be like. The body is a magnificant instrument, if only we learn to play it! Embodiment is the art us reconnecting with the body. If we have a neck tic or twitch, we are likely living life in a pretty disembodied manner.
3) Mindfulness - to practice the quieting of the mind. This buzzword is running rampant through the mental health quarters of the internet. That's because if it is genunely practiced and lived by it is possible to find an entirely new way of living life. One of peace, joy and calmness like nothing you've ever experienced!
4) Intimacy - knowing thyself. If you are living with a neck twitch we can be sure there is an unprocessed or shadow aspect of your being playing out. The shadow is the parts of our psyche that is unintegrated and not 'seen' by your consciousness. Learning to allow youtrself to see the 'ugly' parts of you is the process of integration and holistic health. It IS how we heal fully, and come back into wellness. Intimacy is the process of learning to see yourself deeper, better and with more clarity so that you can stop the neck twitches.
I hope that offers you some insight into our approach to Neck Twitches.
Take a look around or check out our YouTube videos.
Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! š¤Æš