Heal Vocal Tic - Follow-along Meditation

Mar 01, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Tuning into physical source around throat region is key, not just sounds  
  • Soothing tightness here through breath and compassion defuses intensity  
  • Gaining power by transforming relationship, not forcing tic elimination 

As someone who has struggled with constant involuntary vocal tics for many years, I know how distressing the repeated throat clearing, coughing, or word repetition can be. These vocal outbursts seem to erupt out of nowhere, completely beyond my control.

In my journey to heal these tics, I’ve found bringing mindful awareness to the physical source of the vocalizations incredibly helpful. Although the sounds come from my mouth, relaxing the tension in my neck and throat is key.

I recently led myself through a simple mindfulness exercise focused on my vocal tics. Sitting quietly, I tuned into the area around my tonsils, larynx, and vocal cords. Slowing my breath, I visualized soothing that agitated area like a mother comforting her child.

Gently exploring the front and back of my neck with compassion, I could feel my throat muscles softening instead of habitually contracting. Breathing into this area, I imagined any pent-up tension draining down into the earth beneath me.

Repeatedly returning my awareness here with kindness rather than judgment, those vocal urges no longer seem so invasive. My voice becomes an expression to embrace, not resist.

While my vocal tics aren’t completely gone yet, relating to them with meditative presence rather than frustration has brought much more ease. By mindfully “reprogramming” my brain’s pathways, calm arises within the chaos.

This simple practice reminds me I have more power over my vocal tics than I realized. Our awareness is like a spotlight - where we aim it transforms what lives in the shadows. My healing unfolds one breath at a time.

"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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