CBT for tics - What is it? (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

Jan 02, 2023

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that aims to modify negative patterns of thought and behavior. It is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs influence our feelings and actions. In the case of Tics, the action is through a movement of the body. 

CBT involves identifying and changing negative or unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to psychological (and physical) distress. It is a collaborative process between the therapist and the patient, and it usually involves structured sessions in which the therapist helps the patient to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts, and to learn new, more adaptive ways of thinking and behaving.

CBT can be used to treat a wide range of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, substance abuse as well as motor & vocal tics. It is often considered a first-line treatment for these conditions because it has been shown to be effective in many studies.

In some ways, Tics are akin to an addiction. We move the body again and again like an addict needs their drink!

We can have addictions for many reasons, but it can often be related to thoughts or emotions that are struggling to express in a healthy way. Instead, the expression gets stuck in the addiction of movement and sensations in the body. We find an alternative outlet to express or hide from something deeper. This is one way to understand a Tic. 

In CBT therapy at Motor Tic Mastery, we help individuals with motor tics by teaching them strategies to manage their tics to reduce their frequency and intensity. In many cases, we can completely stop the condition once the body has discovered a new way to express what needs to be moved, shared or spoken. We call this trauma release. 

Some specific techniques that we use in CBT for tics include:

  1. Habit reversal training: This involves identifying the situations or triggers that tend to increase tic frequency, and learning to recognize the early warning signs of a tic (called the "premonitory urge"). The individual then learns to perform a competing response, which is a voluntary movement or behavior that is incompatible with the tic (e.g., squeezing a ball instead of blinking), taking a deep breath or learning to speak what's on their mind.

  2. Relaxation techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation can help individuals with tics to reduce muscle tension and reduce the frequency or intensity of their tics.

  3. Embodiment tools: Body awareness practice and grounding techniques help improve the relationship between your mind and your body. Many people in our fast-paced world live 'in their head' and have a very poor relationship with their own body. This is especially the case for people who Tic. 
  4. Cognitive restructuring: This involves identifying and challenging negative or unhelpful thoughts that may be contributing to tic frequency or intensity. For example, an individual may be taught to replace the thought "I'm weird because I tic" with a more adaptive thought such as "Tics are a common and treatable condition, and they don't define who I am as a person."

  5. Trauma Release: This involves a mixture of energy healing, emotional awareness and embodiment practice. As we learn to better connect with our body, we can 'let go' of any stuck tensions, emotions and energy. As we remove the blocks, the need to tic decreases.

CBT typically involves weekly sessions of 45-60 minutes, although the length and frequency of treatment may vary depending on the individual's needs and goals.

At MTM we offer online prerecorded programs for adults and children, as well as Zoom Call CBT packages to support the release of this often isolating condition, wherever you are in the world.

We also offer advice for parents of children who Tic, because the parents' mindful and emotional well-being has a huge influence on their child's wellbeing.

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