An Articulate Journey into a Motor Tic Expression

Dec 20, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Healing tic disorders requires open exploration, not suppression
  • Our tics are "wise soul messengers" guiding us back to wholeness
  • Change comes through self-compassion and new actions

As someone who has intimately experienced and now guides others in healing tic disorders, I wanted to share some personal reflections. I recently had an illuminating conversation with a mother and daughter who spoke with profound grace about the daughter’s condition. Their loving openness and willingness to explore the inner roots behind outward ticks showed me how much hope exists on this path.

I highlighted how shame dangerously festers around tic disorders - preventing the space needed for healing. Yet suppression serves no one. For truly, our outer spasms manifest from unconscious inner control patterns rooted in avoiding difficult emotions. We don’t wake up and think “I will stop my feelings by flinching.” But subtle childhood conditioning leads our bodies to hold back what our minds resist facing.

As someone now guiding high-achievers who feel internally “something isn’t right” below their polished exteriors, I understand firsthand that real change emerges through courageously investigating our inner landscape too - not just the outward ticks begging for attention. I spent years trapped in cycles of suppressing, erupting, then re-suppressing until I addressed root causes simmering within.

I reminded myself - the definition of insanity is repeating the same actions expecting new outcomes. I had to gently interrupt the cycles caging me, recognize how my outer chaos connected to inner turmoil, then unwind the layers of stuck energy until I realigned with my whole self again.

This path takes great compassion towards ourselves as we mobilize our power to take new actions - even small steps. Through calmly meeting myself and tenderly tending to those parts calling out for care, I resolved enormous pressure that had been building within for years. My violent storms settled into stillness as I listened to the wisdom my symptoms came bearing.

I share my journey to convey how opening our hearts and minds allows us to be guided gracefully back home into our natural state of ease. Our tics may temporarily disrupt the surface, but they are wise soul messengers reminding us not to neglect those submerged parts longing to breathe free once more.


"How I Stopped Tics" eBook

Get the book to learn how I went from having thousands of tics a day to stopping them completely! šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜„

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